Scientific Benefits of Prayer

They are the ones who meticulously protect their prayers.

(Al-Me'âric 34. Verse)

Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) emphasized the importance of prayer with the words "Prayer is the pillar of religion." And what are the scientific benefits of prayer, which is a must for Muslims?

Scientific Researches About Prayer

“In prayer, all major body muscles move in varying degrees. There are both active and isometric contraction movements in prayer. These movements have direct and indirect effects on the whole organism. Some of the benefits of prayer are that it works the important muscle groups in the body and provides a proper posture, increases blood circulation, strengthens the ligaments and tendons, prevents muscle tears, has a positive effect on the joints, rests the eyes, removes the electrical charges accumulated in the body, and is good for conditions such as calcification, blood pressure and varicose veins. . It also has a positive effect on the brain, heart, stomach, bile, pancreas, kidney and urinary tract.

Conclusion: Apart from the aspect of worship, prayer has benefits for movement, circulation, respiration, digestion, nervous and hormonal systems. It will provide more of the benefits of exercise and sports to the human body if it is made in accordance with the specified times and rules. 1

Prayer Muscle Activity

"With this study, we discovered that prayer is a spiritual and physical action that makes almost all muscles of the human body more active than any physical exercise without muscle fatigue." 2

benefits of prayer to the body"Prayer has various physical benefits as a daily physical practice made by Muslims 5 times a day. Prayer postures are similar to yoga postures and therefore prayer can be fulfilled as a religious obligation while at the same time provide all the benefits of yoga. Prayer and Yoga can often be considered a kind of stretching and flexibility exercise. It produces internal energy, vitality and flexibility."3

"The prevalence of knee osteoartritis (arthritis) in Muslims was lower than in Buddhists. Muslims have been praying since childhood, forcing knees to bend deeply, stretching the soft tissue around the knee and reducing the stiffness and contact pressure of the joint cartilage." 4

"As a result, we found that prayer movements are equivalent to moderate exercise in terms of physical exercise values. Prayer also contributed to the increase in the capacity of the cardiovascular system. The low heart rate in the prostrate position lowered systolic blood pressure in both real and mimic prayer. In this sense, prayer can be used as a therapy for patients with heart problems such as musculoskeletal system or hypertension." 5

What are the benefits of prayer

"This preliminary study suggests that mimicking prayer movements and postures may have beneficial effects for erectile dysfunction patients." 6

"Prayer has been found to improve balance in paralyzed patients as well as healthy individuals, reduce the chances of developing knee osteoarrtritis and provide cardiovascular and compositional benefits." 7

"Our study shows that prostration increases brain blood flow in healthy subjects and may be useful in older and stroke patients." 8

"The result shows that prostrating during prayer produces higher alpha relative strength compared to imitation prostration. This finding concludes that prostration, a unique position in prayer, can provide a significant state of relaxation to the human mind and body." 9

"Prayer activity helps to treat musculoskeletal disorders with patients with neurological deficiencies. It provides mental and physical benefits with minimal effort." 10

"Parasympathetic activity increased during prayer, sympathetic activity decreased. Therefore, regular prayer practices can help increase relaxation, minimize anxiety and reduce cardiovascular risk." 11

Congregational Prayer

"According to the research, the complex physical movements of prayer can reduce lower back pain when performed regularly and appropriately." 12

"This study has shown that individuals who pray regularly and carefully have better mental health compared to those who do not." 13

"Prayer includes repetitive body movements that require other executive functions that are destroyed during Alzheimer's disease, such as repetition/speech, memory recall, hearing, attention, decision to start and end the task, calculation, concentration, sense of time, place, direction, hygiene, self-discipline. Prolonged prayer can improve comprehension, lower blood lipids and prevent Alzheimer's disease." 14

"Thus, physical movements during prayer allow the cerebral spinal fluid to wash the basal parts of the brain. Therefore bending (as Muslims do about 120 times a day with prayer) will be entirely useful for cooling the brain.

Wearing shoes with insulation soles separated most people from earth's electrical rhythms and free electrons. In cases where it is not practical to walk barefoot on earth, putting hands (palms) on Earth, as Muslims do with prayer about 80 times a day (with a continuous plantar contact on earth for 60 minutes), provides a foundation that restores and maintains the natural electrical contact between the human body and the earth.

As a result, as the cornerstone of religious practices in Islam, daily prayer with ablution has positive effects for both brain and body health through the brain cooling system and grounding." 15

As can be understood from the scientific studies above, prayer provides physical and mental benefits on the whole body. It has positive effects on the muscular system, joints, brain, nervous system, eyes, internal organs and even the reproductive system. It also acts as a protective shield in the prevention of many physical and psychological disorders.

The key to prayer is another miracle, ablution, which we will mention in a different article.


Anyone who does not perform his prayer knowingly seems to have lost his family and property.

Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)


Allah knows best in everything.

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  1. Esperanza Vallejo dedi ki:

    Gracias por ese maravilloso aporte acerca de los beneficios de al oracion.

  2. Ouedraogo Amadė dedi ki:

    Merci,pour votre investigation

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