Category: Biology

The Miracle of the Mosquito Quran 1

The Mosquito and its Guest

Allah is not ashamed to give the example of a mosquito or even one above it (a weaker being than it). Those who believe know that it is a truth from their Lord....

Blood Circulation and Milk, Quran 3

Blood Circulation and Milk

And verily in cattle (too) will ye find an instructive sign. From what is within their bodies, between excretions and blood, We produce, for your drink, milk, pure and agreeable to those who drink it..

The Creation of Man 4

The Creation of Man

We created man from a quintessence (of clay). (Al-Mu'minun 12. Verse) The subject of man's creation can be examined under two headings in the Qur'an...

Fly Hadith 10

Fly Hadith

If a fly falls into one of your (food) bowls, sink it well. Because there is sickness in one wing and healing in the other. It is protected by its wing, which has a disease in it....

Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

(Uzbekistan 980 - 1037)
İbn-i Sina AvicennaIbn Sina was the scientist who discovered the existence of microbes in the field of medicine and left more than 150 works. Of these, 17 are related to medicine. He is often described as the father of early modern medicine.

Since he worked as a minister, physician and philosopher in state services, he worked on state affairs during the day and on scientific works at night.

He wrote books on philosophy and produced famous works in this field such as Symptoms and Warnings and The Book of Salvation. The Code of Medicine is a 1,000,000-word encyclopedia of medicine. These books have been taught as textbooks all over the world.

It is recorded that Ibn Sina was very intelligent, hardworking, efficient, and had a personality that could not tolerate defeat in addition to his irritability caused by overconfidence in his intelligence and knowledge. A debate he had with the linguist Abū Mansūr al-Jubbai in the presence of Alā al-Dawla points to this characteristic of his. According to al-Jūzjānī's account, al-Jubbai told Ibn Sina during this debate that he had no knowledge of language, whereupon Ibn Sina studied for three years and reached a superior level in the field of language and wrote books on the subject. Finally, he met with al-Jubbai again and left him in a position to apologize to him.